Bootstrap Themes

Dr. Jonathan Cohn
Tech Writer | Developer | Academic

Tech/UX Writer with 15 years of experience as an English and Digital Culture professor. Published author of newspaper articles, interviews, 2 books, a dozen academic articles, and many conference presentations. Passionate about building a more creative, collaborative, ethical, and interesting tech culture.

"Algorithmic recommendations aren’t politically neutral. But, as Cohn details in this illuminating book, nor is their power absolute. The Burden of Choice is a primer on algorithmic dissidence, couched in a history of computational decision making."

--Ted Striphas, The Late Age of Print: Everyday Book Culture from Consumerism to Control

...This excellent collection pulls together an impressive array of approaches to this concept that will give readers a broad but detailed look at how ostensibly challenging material was made palatable on television.

--Derek Kompare, Making Media Work: Cultures of Management in the Entertainment Industries

Fullstack Coding Projects

API Calls
pink map of cambridge
Bus Routes

Map Animation and Style Experiments

Eye Movement

Mouse tracking exercise

More Projects
machine in the style bosch
For more code...

Research and Reporting

Digital Culture
The Metaverse

Or, how to fit the universe in a cell

AI Culture
cover of the book Media Backends with CPUs in a cool color pallet

Three Perspectives On the (B)anality of AI

AI Art
The Scientist of the Holy Ghost

What AI's art reveals about itself

AI Ethics
justice with scales
Ethics Bug Bounties

AI Ethics in Practice

AI Ethics
google black history month main page celebrating sojourner truth

and Algorithmic Inequities

More Research
AI generated head with crosses coming out of it
For more articles...

Technical Writing & Instructional Design: